Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Not that I've been avoiding writing, but I've been avoiding writing.

Life is full of contradicitons, and I often find myself one of them. Not that I don't make sense sometimes, but sometimes, well, I don't make sense.

{{sits back, and tries to go at this another way}}

Moving is a very exciting, and frightening process. As my first official trip on the long and increasingly twisted road towards that eventual goal approaches, I find myself more apprehensive than excited. I'm excited about my trip, but apprehensive that I won't be able to make the decision, or that I won't be able to get in where I want to go if I can make the decision.

Ok, I know I'm whining a bit, and my lack of self-confidence is showing itself like a slip under my skirt of writer's ego, but it really is scary. All of us are allowed to be a little unsure of ourselves occasionally.


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