Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sometimes we forget how bad it was... going back, sifting through the remnants of life box by box, piece by piece. We forget the screaming, the tension. We forget the hitting and the fear. Sometimes we block it and don't bother looking for years. Sometimes we remember and flood the world with the knowledge. Sometimes... we just don't look.


  • At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    looking forward to the end
    and the beginning.

  • At 2:29 AM, Blogger Aditya said…

    Very true. In India the freshers are ragged in college for a month or so. Ragging in engineering colleges is supposed to be the worst. Now when I meet my batch-mates, we all remember the different act we were made to do in name of ragging. Difficult times just seem to bind people closer.


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