Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Ok, Yeah, I needed to blog.

TODAY'S SPECIAL: Roast Teenager

Really, I DO love my job. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's the kids or the teacher that makes me mad more though.

This particular day, it's the kids. One of them thinks he can lie to me about anything and I will automatically believe him, becuase quite clearly I'm an idiot. "Of course {{insert name of child here}}, I completely believe that Ms. Gooden said you can use the book to check your own answers. I'm not going to pay any attention whatsoever to the blank spaces on that page. You just keep writing in the answers, ok dear?" Um...NO

Another believes that because I have breasts, I'm incompetent. As one would imagine, that does not go over well with me. Number one, being female has nothing to do with competency. Number two, I have a lovely diploma on my wall that I worked very hard for that indicates that I can tell him to sit his ass down, shut up, and listen to me. Number three, I don't care if his dad doesn't let his mom speak her mind, he's not going to treat me like I should be bowing to his every whim and fancy. Everytime I give him instructions, be it do this, or don't do that, he acts like I'm, in his words "copping attitude." Children cop attitudes with adults. Employees cop attitudes with employers. Telling him to get off my computer, and stay off my computer is not, in any way, shape, or form..."copping attitude."


My roomates can tell you that it is not a good idea to sneak up on me. I tend to swing first and ask questions later. Working in a school I have to try to control the impulse to knock someone out when they try to startle me. At some point next week, I will probably be getting bailed out of jail because one or the other of the above mentioned students think that it is fun to do that, and they will land on their asses about 3 feet behind me.

Ok, I think I'm done now.


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