Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

They say the body and the emotions are all interconnected. In which case, I'm pretty much screwed all around. I've felt horrible for the last week, and now it's making me grouchy. (Ok, so I was grouchy before... hush... "It's my bubble") I'm tired, and not sleeping and just overall not in a very good temper.

I have lots going on in my mind and sometimes I wish that I could just go away and sort it all out. Unfortunately, going away would be counterproductive to sorting it all out. On the other hand, I watched the Bourne Supremacy the other day and the house that they orignally lived in seems ideal to my purposes right now.

Actually a friend at some point sent me pictures of a place at some tropical location somewhere that seems much more appealing than anything else I can think of... A hut at the end of pier with no other houses anywhere near it... many windows with lots of awnings to keep out the icky sun.

Mostly I feel the desire to just be quiet. I just don't seem to be very quiet right now.


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