Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Here's this month's installment of poetry. I'd appreciate feedback on these, as I'm unsure of their quality, and I would like some honest criticism. Thank you!!

Back home we have a few fallen houses
For the most part, though, they are all still standing
We have waterfalls too
They are just smaller
We have barns with roofs caved in by the foot of some
Back home, our rocks—
They’re grey, or
Red sometimes
With a slight greenish cast
The rivers are still green
But more a muddy green
These are smoky
Back home
We have trains
They carry boxes
When the whistle blows amidst the barns and the muddy water
We wonder what, not who, they bring
Back home

Part of The Stephanie Series


I chased your ghost down the hall
To a room where you’ve never been
Stood there watching, waiting
Turning, and nothing
Screamed your name to the open wind
Waited for the echo
Stood listening, hoping
Turning, and nothing
Watched you break your heart in little
Pieces bit by bit
Screamed at you listening
Turning, and nothing

Ok, Back from my 3rd trip...

1st choice--Syracuse
2nd choice--Virginia Commonwealth University--Richmond
3rd choice--Pudue--West Lafayette Indiana
4th choice--University of Minnesota--Mankato, Minnesota

Those are my choices as they stand right now. I'm very happy to be done with my trip.

I will update more later.