Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'm sitting in a friend's house watching the series finale of MASH and getting the heater core changed in my car.

Not really food for happy thought. I think I'll watch something else.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I'm still feeling better. I'm glad Valentine's hell is over, and I have a few months of recuperation before the Mother's day and Memorial hell begins. So, a few months of peace before the next war begins.

I have several projects in the fire, of course. Some of them being craft and some of them being writing. I've recently had a little bit of light shed upon one of the characters for a story I started several years ago, so I may pick that up again. I also have 2-3 poems I need to transcribe into the computer and iron them out a little. I have a scarf and a basket and a blanket or two that I'm working on as well...

But I'm not sick any more, so I think I can do it all... After all, I'm superwoman. ALSO, I'm looking forward to taking a class in March. I'll put the link up here when I go looking for it again. I didn't get to take it in January... just too much stuff going on, but I think I can take it in March and that will be good.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines is OVER!!! All the floral designers in the world do a collective cheer.

Long hours, long days and sore fingers.

I hope to be back in the classroom soon. I have a few notes jotted down that I need to transform into poetry form.

All in all... It's looking better!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sometimes we forget how bad it was... going back, sifting through the remnants of life box by box, piece by piece. We forget the screaming, the tension. We forget the hitting and the fear. Sometimes we block it and don't bother looking for years. Sometimes we remember and flood the world with the knowledge. Sometimes... we just don't look.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sickness over and done with I think.

At least for the most part. My ear is still a little sensitive, but I can hear out of it again and I haven't had to go to the hospital again.

I actually have more to write, but haven't completed it yet. I have something started that I haven't been able to get back to. I'm hoping to finish it by Monday, but since this is V-Day, I'm not sure i will.

I'm back at the flower shop, and it's a pain in the butt.

I just wanted to write something so that you would all know I'm alive, at least.