Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Here I sit at work. I have a doggy in my lap. Someone dumped her at my mom's house. She has had puppies and we can't find the puppies. She's very much a lap dog. The main problem is that my enormous cat is very jealous. He hasn't sat in my lap since I brought the dog home.

She's a white toy poodle... Which presents a minor problem for me. She looks almost exactly like the dog I had for 6 years. Bridgette died from cancer of the pancreas. I don't know how old this dog is, but she's awfully sweet. I think my mother is going to keep her though, so maybe it won't be so bad.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It's not much, but it's something written...

Life on the Outside

I lived for a while alone
All the voices gone from the air
all the ties cut
Life protrudes
This is life on the outside