Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

In my little header thing for my blog, I have written "The philosphy and otherwise irrelavent ramblings of a struggling poet." This seems to be a bit misleading right now. Sometimes it's not so irrelavent. I also haven't been doing much poeting of late. Whining, moaning, crying, complaining, things of that sort, but not really much poeting... course sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

I wrote a bit of something the other day. I've written here and there, but much of it is incoherently personal and won't be seen by anyone else. There are lots of things that need to be reworked and reworded and looked over. Since I have weekends off now, I should take the time to do that.

Then again, there's that whole "should take the time" issue again...

I already have 2 major projects set for this weekend, so I don't think it will take place then. There's also the small matter of finding everything. I had it all nicely organized before the virus hit this spring. Now I need to find it all again.


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