Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Monday, November 15, 2004


I think I would like to go for a walk. Put my sneakers on, and trek across the hills at my parents house. When I lived there 10 years ago, I could take off across the field, and cross a few fences and not hit another house for a good 1/2 hour. That was nice. I like to walk. It makes me feel better, and clearer. Unfortunately, most people don't like to walk with me. Most people feel that I take my walks at a run. I just don't see a point in leisurely strolls. The purpose of my walk is not to visit the sights of nature, and appreciate their glory. If I were doing that I would take a blanket out and lay on the ground and see it all at eye level and be still. The purpose of my walk is to breathe the fresh air and clear my mind of all the clutter and cobwebs that set up shop when I am cooped indoors too much.

10 years later, the area where my mother lives is still very sparsely decorated with houses, but more and more have risen up. No more 1/2 hour walks away from civilization. The little valley where I could stand and scream now faces a beautiful 2 story house.

Perhaps I shall have to be contented walking along the streets of the city where I live and keeping my voice to myself.


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