Needing a map

The philosophy and otherwise irrelevant ramblings of a struggling poet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

There isn't much in life

A book

A chair

A lamp

A shelf

A nook

And you stop...

You listen

You learn

You breathe

You look

You return

There's a breath

A book

A chair

and light

There must be light

To read

To learn

To look

To return


There is life.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tonight, after the many ages, I had a long talk with an old friend. Defining the word old as someone I have known for many years.

I was able to meet her sister for the first time after many years of hearing tales. It was pleasant. I enjoyed seeing an incredible intellect coupled with the appropriate humbleness which will become a beautiful personality. (even if she may not believe me.)

To fathers: Life was not always good, seldom great, but always loved. If nothing else, we learned to love unconditionally and see past flaws and accept love for what it was, not for what it should have been. It was still love.

I have not written anything recently, but for the friend and her sister, I'm re-publishing one written about my friend and I which will give a bit of insight into this evening's conversation.

There is a sense of displacement watching good friends having a conversation
made up entirely by the first half of one-liners.
A sense of self forgotten under a beautiful snow colored blanket of
tender reminiscence not belonging to your.
No explanation required or requested
The silence is not uncomfortable
And you watch as if outside an ice covered window
Hearing bits of love pinging on the pane
Seeing distorted looks of happiness and joy, not belonging to you.

Although this is not the final version of this poem, it does give a bit of insight. There should be comments about enola gay and necco wafers in there. And the guy with the shirt


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

So, when I got back to my 4th block class today, I was told that there was a student in a different classroom who needed help with poetry. I had given a couple of lessons in a class and she happened to be in there when I did. She came to the teacher in that room and asked if she could see the "poetry teacher." So, it was kind of neat to find someone that remembered.

And now I know that I can write a poem about the eco system...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

So, yesterday we had a field trip ... Sorry... Community outing for our class. While riding the city bus to the Xeriscape gardens, we stopped in front of the mall. A man two rows in front of us, dropped something onto the floor and bent over to pick it up. (Or so I thought.) Within a second or so I saw his legs shaking. I thought he was just stretching further than he should, but he didn't stop shaking. I jumped up and went over and he was having a grand mal seizure. He was foaming at the mouth and shaking all over. The teacher in my classroom came up and kept his legs from getting banged up on the seats and I had to try to keep him from hitting his head too hard on the wall. He had a seizure for about 3 minutes. During the course of this, the bus driver left the bus to mingle with the folks outside. Imagine his embarrassment when he came back in and found that it wasn't one of our kids that had been having the seizure, but one of his passengers.

The bus driver went through is pockets and found his ID and eventually phone numbers for his parents. It took us about 15 minutes to wake him up enough for him to know what was happening to him.

All in all, our kids were very well behaved under the circumstances. And it was a much more interesting trip than we thought it would be.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ok, so I haven't really had much time or energy to write, etc. It's been a busy year.

But this year has been a much better year for work than the previous years. At least I've been able to teach some. /cheer

That's about it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, I'm not as good at keeping up writing as I thought I would be.

I'm still trying though.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't like colds. Especially since the ones I get are monstrous ugly horrid things that try to kill me. Since I almost never get sick in any other way it often seems like my colds try to make up for it by being brilliantly horrific.

I also have a good bit of homework to get done. I have a pod cast that I need to edit for class and a power point that I need to finish and 2 other assignments for a different class and a 5 page paper.

This is me going off to whine in private.
