Letting the surrealistic side of my brain wander----------
I guess there are days when it all runs together. At times, I think my brain just functions in a different universe. There is a rhyme and reason. There is purpose, direction, cohesiveness. But somehow in the greater scheme of things... Well...
I have spent most of my life torn between different worlds. Working toward a better understanding while still remaining a mystery. Focusing on what the world wants, while remaining distant enough to not be that. It's confusing, and frustrating. I wrote one time, while driving back home from Kentucky and seeing graveyards of dead cars, winterized fields all black and white... "Nothing lives. Only gears and wheels turning. Nothing breathes or sleeps."
I guess in a way, sometimes that's how I feel. Nothing really goes on with peace, or tranquility. It's machinery, metallic and cold. Dead leaves, remnants of a past spring. Life turns into blackened chaos. The crashed cars dotting the landscape reminders of a world going by.
It makes me wonder when spring will come again.