Quick Bible Lesson
Jacob was the youngest son of Isaac. His older brother Esau had the right to inherit the mahority of his father's estate. Esau was also his father's favorite, while Jacob was his mother's favorite. When the two became older, Jacob tricked Esau into trading his birthright, or inheritance, and his father's blessing meant for the oldest son for a bowl of soup.
When Isaac was about to die, Jacob knew that Esau wouldn't hold to the deal they had made over the bowl of soup. So he and his mother planned to trick Isaac into believing that Jacob was Esau. After Esau found out that Jacob had again tricked him and had gotten his intended blessing from their father, he was angry enough to kill Jacob. So, Jacob had to run away.
In the interim, Jacob acquired 2 wives and several children. At some point Jacob was making his way back toward his home territory. He had sent a messenger ahead who came back with the news that Esau was headed toward them with a "great host" of men. Of course Jacob was very frightened.
Jacob separated himself fromt he rest of his caravan, and spent the night in his tent alone. During his sleep, an angel came to him and they fought. They wrestled much of the night. Jacob wanted to extract a blessing from him and the angel wouldn't give him one. So Jacob held on as much as he could. Toward morning, the angel touched Jacobs hip and dislocated it. But he also give Jacob the blessing that he so desired. This is when Jacob's name was changed to Israel. From that day on, Jacob walked with a limp.
Basically, Jacob fought with the angel and received the blessing that he so desired. He was to be the father of a great nation, but at what cost? He was crippled for life. His stubbornness had awarded him both a blessing and a curse. He was given what he most desired, but he was scarred by the fighting for it.